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- The Borrow Smart Chronicles - Information, Knowledge and Wisdom
The Borrow Smart Chronicles - Information, Knowledge and Wisdom
Episode 27

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

source: unknown = My Title Would Be - Time to Unplug
I want to share a book that profoundly changed my life. My internal beliefs about myself were very negative. I had what was called ‘stinkin thinkin’ by the very wise Zig Ziglar. The glass was half-empty. I was unaware that my self-talk was driving me to a form of starvation when a buffet of opportunity surrounded me. I was a hard worker, but I wasn’t getting the results that I saw others around me experiencing. How could I? I was programming myself constantly to underperform without realizing it.
The Book: Psycho-Cybernetics (download here) or buy a hard copy here.
I feel in some ways that the liberation/yoke of technology is creating a new form of internal comparison and dialogue that is driving us away from ourselves. I love technology but I don’t love the person I am when it drives my behaviors.
Information, Knowledge, Wisdom…
"If you understood everything that I said,
then you would be me."

This is a newsletter about real estate, lending, and assets. Yet, I keep drifting back to concepts that make us better humans, which helps us become better at our work and help us make more money as a byproduct of that service so I intend to make you happier and wealthier.
One of the key concepts in our CLA course is how information becomes knowledge, how knowledge becomes wisdom, and how wisdom becomes your UNIQUE understanding. As Miles Davis so clearly communicates, you will never understand me, because you are not me. I will never understand you because I am not you. The closest we can get is the wisdom to know that and then learn to communicate in clear ways that penetrate this void of ‘mis’-understanding. When we talk about buying a house, or borrowing money, or investing for the future, you have to do it with that understanding, or you will be misunderstood.
An interest rate is information. How interest rates work is knowledge. The ability to communicate interest in a way that differentiates you from others is wisdom. The sum of what you know right now about interest rates, how they work, and how to talk about them is your current understanding. You can never share your understanding with another human, but you can share information, knowledge, and wisdom.
Here are the cliff notes: Information becomes knowledge when you know how to use it, and knowledge becomes wisdom through repeated action. That repeated action IS your understanding.

I couldn’t help myself… IYKYK!
What’s Happening?

rates are still challenging but a great look from ResiClub on how they vary by state

and cuts are still expected but more muted

people are buying and that is trending up, but below prior years

overall - all borrowing is declining right now as free cash flow is paying down debt

and leaving more consumers without debt
“Everyone is trying to be smart, I’m just trying not to be stupid.’
What’s Happening?

a big improvement over last week

maybe the elephant in the room on why own versus rent, but…

prices still going up

rent gap between cost of buying and renting at all time highs

apartments rent pretty flat

another look at rent starting to catch up to housing prices again

consumers are less likely to move, only 40-60 is turning up

the target is smaller than normal

the cost of new and existing housing …

inventory still improving

the builders are WINNING the battle right now due to their ability to buy down rates and offer new houses at prices similar to existing houses

What’s Happening?

stonks keep going up

and that can be frustrating

we are keeping less of what we make and that varies by state

the top 1% now pay about 50% of the tax burden

only the higher income levels are seeing savings rise

this is a great time of the year to be bullish

if you care about money?
“A thoughtful question often goes directly to the heart of the matter and ignites the creative mind to newer greater ideas.”
What’s Worth Sharing?

Scott is polarizing, but he makes some great point…
And Other Happy Moments…

this is how I see a lot of people using AI…
Artificial Intelligence
And the Future of Work…
Is AI having an Impact?
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