The Borrow Smart Chronicles - AI and YOU

Episode 14

In the midst of chaos,
there is also opportunity."

Sun Tzu

Weekly Spotlight: The Coming Impact of AI

We hear about it constantly: AI is going to eat up our world. Most experts feel that 50% to 90% of our daily tasks will be impacted by AI. The AI affirms that. Ask ChatGPT or Bard and they’ll explain in clear terms the shift that is coming.

My daughter is a high school senior and using Perplexity and Microsoft Copilot she isn’t getting work done faster, she’s getting it done with a depth she said wasn’t possible a year ago. My son uses it for investment banking case study reviews and data analysis. The more I use it the more it feels like a familiar mentor that is there to quickly get me thinking out of the box on a topic because they have a wider range of experience on many subjects. It’s incredible at organizing information in a way that makes it easier for me to get work done.

We are already at new levels of productivity. Jamie Dimon says' We’ll move to a 3-day work week in the future, and that seems possible. I implore you to explore it… Use Bard, Copilot or ChatGPT and just play so you start to get a feel for how it will impact our seen and unseen lives.

we have been becoming more productive

that’s about to expand exponentially and grow our economy
in ways we haven’t imagined yet

I asked Chat GPT to chart for me the areas of impact and how much those areas would be impacted - Routine Tasks, Data Analysis, and Personalized Services are bigly impacted.

Financial Problems can be solved the Asset and Liability Management

I have been training a ChatGPT around Borrow Smart. Using my book, articles I’ve written, events we teach, and more. It’s getting smarter and able to assemble interesting ideas.

Here is a prompt shared by Trevor Hammond and John Thompson as they were asking about problems that a financial planner would solve and how a liability advisor might approach those same problems.

It’s not perfect, but it gets you thinking differently.

from the Borrow Smart GPT Engine

What’s Happening?

more consumers are missing mortgage payments

and higher rates lead to more of those coming in the future

fortunately most debt is fixed in our country

but there is more and more of it

you can reduce interest but it costs you money now

more people are paying points than ever before

some states seems to be very point friendly

the government can pay points in a way, but they just keep making more debt/money

What’s Happening?

consumer sentiment is still very sour

the landscape has really changed for rent versus buy

inventory simply doesn’t come to the rescue

and that make home ownership more difficult

as does higher prices

means fewer buyers competing

in the end real estate is almost always financed so higher rates hurt returns

What’s Happening?

inflation is coming down

but consumer are making more per hour

stock investors are still happy

yet we are back at all time bubble highs

those with investments continue to outperform

What’s Worth Sharing?

“Life is simple.

Everything happens for you, not to you.

Everything happens at exactly the right moment,

neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it….

It’s just easier if you do.”

Byron Katie

And Other Inspirations…

I love it… teach people how to think!

Is the above our future, where robotics turns us into robots?

“Borrowing money for a house is not merely a financial transaction; it's an investment in a foundation for dreams, a canvas for memories, and a testament to the belief that stability and growth often begin with the courage to take a step forward into a place you can truly call home.”

ChatGPT 4 when asked to make up a quote about buying a house

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