The Borrow Smart Chronicles - Interest Rates versus Investing Returns

Episode 43

Episode 43

"The quieter you are,
the more you can hear."

Ram Dass

Wow it feel like rates went to the moon, but as Len clearly shows here, over 10 years periods we got really spoiled in the 2010’s era averaged 4.09%… and as whipsaw into the first half of the 2020’s before rates did the ultimate U-turn we still have an average of 4.87%.

Now we sit on the precipice of the first rate cuts. I hope they are slow and steady to allow the market to adjust and consumers to contemplate their staycations versus housing dreams that got put on hold. I’d prefer we don’t get a spike down and a spike back up… instead I’d wish for the rate gods to offer a slow and steady rolling quarterly 25bps cuts over the next couple years!

One question I still get asked, is should I prepay my debt or invest. It depends, and we’ll talk more about that in future newsletters. For a moment look at the chart above and the one below. Notice the cost of mortgage debt has come down from 8.9% and 12.7% and 8.12% decades to where we are now expecting rates to be at 4 or 5%.

In this next chart from Ben Carlson, pick any year and then you can see your return X years below it, for example in 2023 if you started this year and only invested for that year you returned 26%, but if you started investing in 2008, the top of that prior drop you’ve invested in the market for 18 years now and would have earned an average of 10% a year.

One thing that really stands out to me is the returns after 2008, when rates dropped and the money printing started, notice the lack of red annual returns. If you squint at the entire grid the market largely always moves up and average returns tend to be in the 8 - 12% annually unless we have a major top as in 2000, or 2007. We could be due for one soon, but still the longer term trend is up.

When rates are low returns are high and it makes little sense to prepay mortgage debt, but it’s always a good idea to pay off higher credit card debts, or any debt that costs you more than you than what you might reasonable expect to earn as an investor… for me that’s anything over 8.5% as a rule I pay off with free cash flow if I have an outstanding debt, otherwise I’ve found the market treats me well.

from Ben Carlson - A Wealth of Common Sense

The HUB - Growing Your Network

Your network is ‘the’ leading indicator of your future net worth. Think about it - the more people that know who you are and what you can do, the greater the potential referrals volume and therefore the greater potential service you can provide.

We use a system in our FAST program that’s designed to get you talking to your clients about their network and asking them a simple question - ‘on a scale of 1 to 10’ how are they serving your needs… and I always add ‘ and you can’t pick a 7’. (see below on what that’s important)

If you are familiar with the Net Promoter Score concept, it’s pretty simple: 1-6’s are detractors, they are dead weight and not helping you… 7-8 are neutral, passive, they don’t help you and they don’t hurt you. The focus should be on the 9’s and 10’s as they are the best clients, the best partners, etc.

When you are talking to a client about their tax advisor, financial advisors, or insurance advisor, etc. you want to MEET anyone they share with you that is a 9 or a 10 and you want to REPLACE anyone that is an 8 or below. It’s that simple and it gives you a never ending source of networking opportunities.

Did you know the most common number picked at random is 7? It makes you wonder, why? Are we in a simulation? One more reason to leave 7 out of any survey questions but a great reason to bet on 7’s in Vegas.

What’s Happening?

general lending by banks for commercial hasn’t blown up yet, but bad debt is rising

as interest rates on all debts (including the US Govy) has risen

and for the consumer, personal interest costs are higher (and savings is lower)

but lower rates are coming

and lower rates are arriving

just in time to save the biggest borrower from trouble

watch construction spending

and jobs as that would put the nail in the recession coffin

“Man: An animal so lost in rapturous contemplation of what he thinks he is as to overlook what he indubitably ought to be.”

- Ambrose Bierce

What’s Happening?

improvement from prior week - mainly lower rate and positive insight on lower costs

people with more income are more optimistic and more able to bid prices up

Follow @altosresearch or @mikesimonsen for these updates

prices are coming down to attract buyer

and putting pressure on house values

and contracts for sale…

you can see the slight underperformance here by month…

and the rise in inventory is clear here!

this can help keep a lid on rentals but then that also puts pressure on house prices

Mike Simonsen says this is “The Great Stay’ meaning people are squatting in their own homes since the pandemic shift…

sentiment for real estate still pretty poor

another way of saying ‘ be focused ‘ when you dig your well

What’s Happening?

banks lead last week as people are getting more defensive

real estate and equitities working together to create wealth

the wealth impact on parade

I’m focusing on financials, energy, gold, real assets for a reversion to the mean

I’ve also been adding more AGG and TLT this year for Treasuries are cheaper than equities are with rate cuts coming…

things are frothy again in the markets for those that dare to time them…

longer term, just wait …

the big UPS are bigger than the big DOWNS

we are at the scary part of the year, but seasonality in election years is very positive after October…

and across all years…

the scary part

amazing how top performers flip/flop

stronger and higher

leads to confidence and that leads to more spending

and less saving

ultimately just SAVE and WAIT!

don’t try to time the market

over time 8.3% is outpacing inflation

and defaulting into corporate savings plans is a positive

“Belief clings, yet faith lets go”

- Alan Watts

What’s Worth Sharing?

lenders that waiting for rates to drop are my heroes!

more people voted for a candidate than stayed home, first time ever!

surprising we are still dropping overall

“Your mind is like a piece of land planted with many different kinds of seeds: seeds of joy, peace, mindfulness, understanding, and love; seeds of craving, anger, fear, hate, and forgetfulness. These wholesome and unwholesome seeds are always there, sleeping in the soil of your mind. The quality of your life depends on the seeds you water.

If you plant tomato seeds in your gardens, tomatoes will grow. Just so, if you water a seed of peace in your mind, peace will grow. When the seeds of happiness in you are watered, you will become happy. When the seed of anger in you is watered, you will become angry.”

- Thich Nhat Hanh

And Other Happy Moments…

Artificial Intelligence
And the Future of Work…

PROMPT TO TRY! (edited from The Daily Prompt) in CHATGPT

“I am looking to create an automation workflow using Zapier that integrates with a Gmail account. The primary goal is to automatically process every incoming email to determine whether it qualifies as a client referral. If an email is identified as such, I want the automation to draft a response based on predefined context regarding how I typically handle such requests so that I can respond immediately. Additionally, I would like the draft response to be logged in a Google Sheet, where the first column captures the date and time of the email, and the second column contains the drafted response that was sent by me. Finally, I want to receive a text notification informing me that there is a draft for a client call back awaiting my review.

Please provide a step-by-step outline of how to set up this automation in Zapier, including any specific triggers, actions, and field mappings necessary for implementation. The response should be structured in a way that clearly delineates each step, including any relevant conditions or filters that should be applied, and ensure that the instructions are easy to follow for someone with basic familiarity with Zapier.”

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